Gutbehütet Pilzmanufaktur - Mushroom Specialities from the Vulkanland Region of Styria

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Gutbehütet Pilzmanufaktur: 1 - 11 of 11 items

The mushroom products by Gutbehütet Pizlmanufaktur are made with mushrooms cultivated in the Vulkanland region of Styria in Austria. Michaela Friedl, a dietician, transformed her parent's pig farm into a truly remarkable mushroom-growing facility. The word "behütet" means "protected" in German and reflects the desires of the "Gutbehütet" brand to protect the environment and ensure that the entire production process - from cultivation to sale - is carried out with those principles in mind. Discover their incredible products and enjoy the finest mushrooms from Austria!

Photos Copyright - Manuel Flor, Vulkanland Südoststeiermark.