FRUNIX - Sweet without Fructose

Vegan sweets, vanilla sugar and more for special nutritional needs

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For those with a sweet tooth and certain food intolerances, this is a dream come true - cough drops and lozenges without fructose and sorbitol! The team at FRUNIX® has dedicated itself to the sweet side of life, but focuses on digestibility: The company based in Bad St. Leonhard, Austria makes fructose-free and low-fructose confectionery without lactose, gluten and sugar alcohols such as sorbitol. People with special nutritional needs such as intolerance to fructose, lactose and sorbitol or those who have celiac disease - will be delighted to hear about this innovative range of sweets that are also vegan.

Discover their range of products from aromatic cough drops and lozenges to alternatives to honey, household sugar and more. Sweeten your life and enjoy sweet treats again without subsequent regrets!